Future of Logins “OneID” No Username or Passwords | InfoZonePK

OneID has created single-click login so users don’t have to enter a username, password, credit card numbers or billing information. OneID also has no centralized data storage making it extremely difficult for hackers to access confidential information.

OneID uses a combination of advanced asymmetric cryptography that works to identify a user through multiple electronic devices including computer, cell phone and tablet devices. The devices work together to keep a user’s private information protected.

Here is the simple explanation of how OneID works: it verifies a user’s identity via the active device and a control device of the user’s choice. The active device is what the user is using to access the login – a computer, for example. To make a payment or to login to a site, users then click the OneID button.

The computer sends verification to your phone, assuming that is your second device of choice. The user then verifies the login on a second device. The user can also opt to verify with a pin. The pin is a signature verification system rather than a password. The pins are not centrally stored in a database. A hacker can only obtain information that can be used to confirm a user’s identity – basically a lot of useless numbers.

Paying for items is easy with OneID because users do not have to repeatedly enter a credit card number. All data is encrypted and not sorted.

Users can manage their devices and information through OneID. Websites that opt to use OneID’s system will store verification codes, which are useless to hackers because those codes don’t contain any secret.