Cisco Router Configuration GUI Developed by Pakistani Students | InfoZonePK

Four Pakistani students from Sir Syed University Karachi have developed a user-friendly, easily manageable software with graphical  user interface to configure/control a variety of large scale cisco routers, which are usually controlled/configured through command line.

Ilyas Ghichki, Obaid Shakeel, Muhammad Nabeel and Syed Tabish Illyas from Telecom department of SSU developed this software as their final year project which, according to them, will simplify the process of configuring routers – that are essential part of today’s computer networks.

This software is developed in C# .NET provides GUI platform for various types of configuration for entire series of Cisco routers. It includes the configuration for all interior routing protocols and all types of most common used tools for large scale routers, especially those that are deployed at ISPs.