Nokia and UNESCO Launched ‘eTaleem’ – A Mobile App to Improve Literacy Skills | InfoZonePK

Nokia has teamed up with UNESCO to launch a litercy applicatio, “eTaleem” for Nokia

eTaleem by Nokia and UNESCO

phones. eTaleem has been developed by Lakson Business Solutions for Nokia and is a component of “Mobile Literacy Training for Literacy Training of Rural Female Adults”. which is a UNESCO project. The basic literacy will allow users to access lessons for the following:

  • Urdu Reading
  • Phonetics
  • Word Synthesis
  • Sentence Making
  • Basic Mathematics

Using mobile phones as a learning tool can accelerate the learning process for many who do not have access to learning tools available in the urban areas, but the effectivity of this app will be judged after it has been rolled out and UNESCO completed the project. The app itself cant be used by illiterate users as they should be able to at least read Urdu to use the app and get something out of it.

Kozue Kay Nagata, Director and Representative of UNESCO Pakistan said:

Ulrike Vott, Nokia’s Regional Sustainability Manager for Middle East and Africa said:

The complete list of compatible devices, Installation Procedure and the eTaleem application can be downloaded from UNESCO eTaleem Page.