Cisco, Mcafee, Websense will not Help Pakistan | InfoZonePK

Western Media has gone crazy with heroic news stories portraying superlative character of security companies, such as Cisco, Mcafee, Websense, Verizin and Sandvine – who have decided not to submit proposals for upcoming centralized URL filtering systen of Pakistan.

This was really funny, for those at least who had few minutes to read the RFP floated by ICT R&D Fund.

Here’s why: Check below highlighted text taken from RFP for National URL Filtering System:

So the tip for the best technology journalists and bloggers of west: Please spare few minutes and read RFP carefully. These humongous security companies were never invited for the task in the first place.

You can view RFP here, and FAQs here.

By the way Cisco, Websense and Mcafee voicing against web censorship is even more hilarious, especially when:

So our Pakistani what you say about this and don’t mock our country and yourself too.