Get Objective Online Feedback for Your Developed Website | InfoZonePK

After writing a song, poem r an easy, or after designing a web page or web graphics, we want to show our work to someone else for their second opinion about how they like or dislike it. We usually run to someone we trust who would les us know how good oe bad we are at it.

You need an instant and quick feedback by someone else, you can avail this site specially. Just for a quick start, you can submit your site and your email and then simply exhange feedback. The site also has a tutorial to show how it works.

IN three steps, you review, receive and rate a website. The site is also good for blogging community and website developers who want to see other’s works andget inspiration for their own as well as find out waht they need to improve in their own works.

Check this website, here below is its address: