Facebook Users in Pakistan Crossed 8 Million | InfoZonePK

The largest Social Media website Facebook’s users crossed 8 millions in Pakistan.Facebook

According to statistics of Socialbackers website the number of Facebook users in Pakistan is 8008720 and Pakistan is on 28th number in the world among Facebook users countries.

Largest Facebook users are in US where its number is 160 million. Brazil is on 2nd number where its number of users are 60 million and India is on third where its number of users are 50 million. In last 6 months the number of Facebook users is increased by 1383900.

The largest number of Facebook users are between 18 to 24 years and there are total 70% male users and 30% Female users.

LinkedIn users in Pakistan are 1 million and Pakistan is on 10th number in the world among LinkedIn users countries.

