4 Biggest Myths about Cellulite | InfoZonePK


There is No Cure for Cellulite. Or is there?

Got cellulite? You are not alone. It is the cosmetic condition affects nearly 90 percent of women at some place during their lives, even women who are otherwise lithe and fit.

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is referring to the dimpled appearance of the skin that some people have on their hips, thighs, and buttocks. Those lump & of cellulite are caused by fat accumulation that pushes and alters the connective tissues beneath the skin, leading to the characteristic changes in the appearance of the skin.

What Causes Cellulite?

The dimpled image of cellulite can be considered to be a normal variant. But, there are other factors followed by cellulite including,

    • Heredity
    • Skin thickness
    • Gender
    • The amount and distribution of body fat
    • Age

Cellulite usually happen due to shrinkage of the fibrous tissue cords that fasten the skin.it is more common in women than men, men can also be affected. Even though, female hormones may play a vital role in adding to this pattern of fat circulation.

You may book an online appointment with the best skin specialist/dermatologist in Karachi, Lahore and all other main cities of Pakistan for all your cellulite or skin related queries to be answered, it is better to take a doctor’s advice before the condition gets critical. We gathered some relevant facts & myths about cellulite, read on!

Cellulite is the Excess Fat:

No. It actually has more to do with the structure of your skin. Factors such as age, weight change, or stress weaken those connective tissues, irregular fat cells protrude through the skin, which makes the skin pucker and look dimply.


Losing Weight will Make Cellulite Disappear:

Not necessarily. The cellulite is associated with the damaged connective tissue rather than fat, losing fat won’t always erase your dimples. However, doing squats, lunges, and hydrants can build muscle tone to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Join MARHAM Forum & aid yourself in losing weight and staying healthy. Also, you can find and consult doctors through Marham.pk and book appointments for consultation.

A Miracle Cream Can Help Vanish Cellulite

Unfortunately, you cannot trust the swarm of beauty product for cellulite-blasting lotions bragging with antioxidants and caffeine. The actual cause of cellulite is below the skin’s surface, so it’s pretty damn difficult to treat topically with an over-the-counter treatment. These creams might help you temporarily.

Cellulite Occur to Older People

There is no age exception. But yes. It does increase with age, even young people can show signs of the dreaded dimpling. Loss of integrity and thickness of the skin, expanded cumulative sun damage, skin laxity, and increased body fat all play a role in having cellulite.

As you get older, your estrogen levels naturally decrease, which makes your body even more susceptible to cellulite. So try to maintain a consistent weight, exercise regularly, and stick to a healthy diet Stay Happy, Stay Beautiful ^_^